Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The 27 Club. Because it has to do with music. And it's just plain spooky.

So for this week's blog, I've decided that I'm going to talk a little bit more about the 27 club. I mentioned it when we were discussing Robert Johnson last week, but didn't really get too into it.

The 27 club refers simply to famous musicians, usually rock, who have all died at the young age of 27. The five main members include Jimi hendrix, Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain. However, the list goes on. As mentioned before, Robert Johnson also died when he was 27, and I'm super duper excited that he's portrayed as some kind of devil-angel-god thing in this picture :)

So we'll do this chronologically:

1) Robert Johnson (May 8, 1911-August 16, 1938)

Blues musician; once referred to as, "The most important blues singer that ever existed", by Eric Clapton. His cause of death is unknown, but there was a rumor that Johnson was hitting on another guy's wife, so that guy decided to poison his drink.

2) Brian Jones (February 28, 1942- July 3, 1969)


The founder of and guitarist for the Rolling stones; found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool. Coroner's report stated,"Death my misadventure", but his liver and heart were heavily abused my drug and alcohol use.

3) Johnny Allen Hendrix (Jimi Hendrix) ( November 27, 1942- September 8, 1970)

Considered to be the greatest electric guitarist of all time; popularized the wah-wah-pedal; stud-muffin. Choked on his own vomit after partying too hard; took 9 sleeping pills( Normal dose was half of a pill)

4) Janis Joplin <3 (January 19, 1943- October 4, 1970)

"The Queen of Psychedelic Soul"; Painter, dancer, artist; Overdosed on heroin and alcohol

5) Jim Morrison (December 8, 1943- July 3, 1971)
Frontman for the Doors, Poet, filmmaker, Adonis; was found dead in the bathtub of his French apartment by his wife, Pam. There is no official cause of death, but many believe that his heart stopped due to a Heroin overdose.

6) Kurt Cobain (February 20, 1967- April 5, 1994)

Leader and guitarist for Nirvana; "The spokesman of a generation" (Generation X- Generation change after the baby boomers) One of the "Godfathers of grunge;" committed suicide by shooting himself.  A not was found to his childhood imaginary friend saying that Cobain hadn't "felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music, along with really writing . . . for too many years now"

7) Amy Winehouse ( September 14, 1983- July 23, 2011)


Singer/songwriter; first British woman to receive 5 grammys. Died of alcohol Poisoning.

So there you go. There's more on the list, too. But these are the most well-known members of the 27 club. Books exist about all of these members. If you're interested in learning more about Jim Morrison and the Doors, Oliver Stone directed a movie called, "The Doors"( I know. Creative.) starring Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison. It's pretty interesting and it offers a glimpse into the life of Jim Morrison, who was absolutely crazy. <3

The Doors Movie- Peyote Trip

1 comment:

  1. This is so creepy lol but I couldn't stop reading it. While I was reading your post I kept thinking about the Kennedy curse and funny enough the Madden curse.

    As far as the musicians you've mentioned, Amy Winehouse is one of my favorite singers. Her style is so different (same can be said for anyone else on this list as well). It's sad that they all died from non-sense such as drinking or taking drugs. I've read the suicide note Cobain left which made me thankful for what I have in life. His handwriting was sloppy but like they say, geniuses dont write neat.
